Editing & Proofreading

Want your message to be clear, clean, professional and polished?

97% of people say bad spelling or grammar negatively influences their perception of a company or individual.

As a trained professional editor and proofreader, Kate can help ensure your writing is impeccable, sharp and ready to impress. She is experienced across a range of disciplines, including fiction editing, corporate editing and book and ebook editing.

Leveraging her skills as a content and copywriter, Kate is also a skilled web content editor, making changes to improve SEO, readability, impact and adherence to best practices, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

You can check out some samples of her editing work below or head to the contact page to get in touch today.

Editing & proofreading services

  • Make sure your website, article or blog is error-free and on-brand. SEO optimisation is also available.

  • Prepare your fiction or nonfiction piece for publication with comprehensive copyediting or proofreading.

  • Ensure your professionalism shines through with immaculately edited and proofread documents, reports and proposals.

Samples and key projects